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How Important is Your Home Page?

75% of consumers make a judgement on a company’s credibility based on the company’s website design.

Your home page is literally your company’s internet front door. How this page looks and performs is responsible for drawing in a lot of your website traffic.  Not only does the home page need to appeal to the user, it needs to meet Search Engine Optimization criteria as well.  There are certain aspects to home page design and home page building that have been proven to be successful. Here we will go over what makes a good, successful home page and along the way discuss certain facts that may surprise you.

Your websites home page needs to create a great first impressions, it needs to enhance User Experience (UX), it needs to be clean and clear in terms of what information the user needs to get and what the user needs to do.

Fact: It takes 50 milliseconds for a user to form an opinion about your website.

Don’t Judge a book by its cover – NOPE

 It’s a great saying for when we see a stranger at a coffee shop or when we are looking at a news headline, but it is exactly the opposite when it comes to a website home page design.  It takes exactly 50 milliseconds for a user to form an opinion about your website.  In that half a second they will decide whether to stay a bit longer or not.  The way to deal with this is proper website design both in images and layout.  Here is an example of a clean clear website home page: . This site is an example of eye catching imagery and also delivers a clear message as to what the website is about.  As well, there are clear action buttons.

Fact: 57% of internet users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed website on mobile.

Home Page Elements.

Hero Image and Hero Message:

One way to grab attention and keep it is to have a great hero image at the top of your page and  inside of that image have a Hero message that clearly states what you website is about and is catchy enough to make people want to stay and see more.  The image is what makes people stay longer than a half a second and the message keeps them for another 10 seconds.

Sub Headline:

While the Hero Message acts as you headline, a good sub headline supports and expands on the headline.

Call to Action:

Although people seldom click on a call to action button immediately, it is important for the user to know where it is at all times. If and or when they want to take action, you don’t want them searching for a way to get a hold of you. Call to action buttons should be spaced over your home page so a user never has to go looking for them.

Supporting Content:

What makes you better than everyone else? Why would a prospective client choose you?  Potential customers must understand clearly what products or services you provide and why you are good at what you do.

Examples and trust building:

Having a list of current clientele tells the user that you actually do have some experience and know what you are doing.

More Facts:

Fact: 77% of internet users believe that a bad website also means a weak company.

Fact: 40% of people will stop engaging in a website if the images load to slowly, 50% expect the load time to be under 2 seconds.

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